Roses and rosehips

Rosehips - plump and juicy

I love the abundance of nature’s fruits right now. The reds and oranges, greens, purples and browns of the fruits spilling forth from shrubs, bushes and trees. M-mmm

What have you kept sub rosa?

Did you know that due to the high regard of the rose, that anything spoken below a ceiling rose was considered ‘sub rosa‘ which means that it would not be spoken of outside the room. In my house, there are many ceiling roses and it would be hard to have a conversation with more than 2 people which isn’t at least partially sub rosa!

Venus, Cupid and Harpocrates

This comes from the interactions of Venus (goddess of love) and Harpocrates (god of silence). The rose is sacred to Venus and consecrated by Cupid to Harpocrates thus silenced in order not to tell of Venus’s amorous activities!

Medicine of the Rose

Both petals and rosehips are rich with medicine. There is a lot to say and best kept for another post. Read more